
Base 2 Base Run

Since my last post I've done a few things. I throw out my scales cause they were making me mad! LOL I've been going by inches and how clothes have been fitting. :) I like that better! Right now I've gone done an two inches since I was last measured. I'm going in this week to the gym for Jill to measure me. I've been walking and running still. I did a 6 mile run on Feb 26th. I really wasn't feeling that run so I walked most of it. I finished it in an hour and 45 min. This past Saturday I did the base 2 base which is 7.6 miles. I ran half of it and walked the rest. Finished it in 2 hours and 5 min. I felt really good after I did the base 2 base! This whole time I've been working towards the base to base and now that I've done it I have the feeling of: now what? lol There is a 5k coming up on April 1. It's going to be in the Orchard again. The orchard is rough terrain and hilly. Oh fun! I've done it once and finished it in an hour, so I know that I can do this and finish it in under an hour! The pictures I've added are of Rick, Adrianna and I at the beginning and end of the race.

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