
Still here.

I'm back after a long break. I was busy with a move and trying to get all settled in. We aren't completely settled, but good enough for now. I haven't been exercise for a few months now. I'm feeling it too. Now I'm starting back up and getting signed up for walks/runs. I use mapmyrun.com to track my food and walks which will turn back into runs later on. Right now I'm getting ready for a 5K walk in Nashville. Another goal I'm going for is to do the "base to base" again. This time though I will be doing it State side either outside, or on a treadmill in a gym. Even though I'm not in Italy I can still run 7.2 miles. That will happen in March. I believe it's the middle of March when they do that. Right now my food isn't where it was before we move. I've been eating really bad these past few months. Now I'm looking forward to eating more salads and healthy foods. I'm looking forward to updating at least weekly!
My first walk: http://www.mapmyrun.com/workout/87606300
My second walk: http://www.mapmyrun.com/workout/87957220

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